Episode Info
We are living in truly unprecedented times. At time of recording, there have been close to 400,000 positive cases of Covid-19 recorded globally, with more than 16,000 confirmed deaths.
Business leaders now face stark decisions on the future of their people and organisations. Looking after your people has never been more important, as many employees will be anxious not only about their own health, but that of their colleagues, families and friends.
TPA’s Julie Stokes OBE is an expert in bereavement, having started her career as a psychologist in palliative care. She then founded Winston’s Wish, the UK’s leading child bereavement charity. Julie joins us to describe how leaders can manage this difficult time and help employees deal with loss.
To download any of the tools and resources that Julie mentions in the podcast, please use the links below:
Little Box of Big Thoughts – Unfinished Sentences:
Leading Through Crisis (Covid-19)
For further support on any of the topics discussed:
To Winston’s Wish Website: https://www.winstonswish.org/
On sleep: https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/sleep-and-tiredness/how-to-get-to-sleep/
On the dual process model of grief: https://www.frazerconsultants.com/2018/04/grief-theories-series-dual-process-model-of-grief/